Board games: there’s nothing better for bringing families together for a bit of good old fashioned fun. And that’s exactly what the NSPCC is hoping to do with the Really #BigBoardGame Day on Friday 15 May.
However if you’re anything like us, everyone in your household will have a different favourite game.
When I was a kid I loved getting out the Monopoly board. My playing piece was the boot and I enjoyed moving around the board building my empire. There was order to it and you gradually worked your way up the property ladder to win.
Mr Tin Box was into Risk – that game where you aim to take over the world. On the face of it, it is quite similar to Monopoly, but there are a lot more tactics involved and Mr TB is very competitive. A bit too much like hard work for my taste.
Mr TB also loves Scrabble, a Royal Navy version of Ludo called ‘Uckers’ (it involves much shouting and banging fists), and Chess. I’m not a fan of any of these, so sadly we’ve not played many board games together in recent years.
However, becoming parents had given us a new enthusiasm for game playing. Our two-year-old Tin Box Tot enjoys jigsaw puzzles and problem-solving. It won’t be long before she can grasp the rules of simple board games. The question is: will she be an ordered gamer like her mum or a strategic gamer like her dad?
Whatever your favourite type of board game, the NSPCC is asking you to challenge family and friends to play as part of the first ever Really #BigBoardGame Day on Friday 15 May.
It’s all in aid of the charity’s work to use play therapy to rebuild the lives of vulnerable children, as well as encouraging people to put down their electronic devices and have fun together.
You can register online to take part in the Really #BigBoardGame Day. The suggested donation is £5 for everyone who takes part but please give what you can.
Good luck with your board game challenge and do let me know what you’ll be playing. I’d also love to hear of any suitable board games for a two-year-old.
Good luck with your board game challenge and do let me know what you’ll be playing. I’d also love to hear of any suitable board games for a two-year-old.
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Disclaimer: this post was written in collaboration with the NSPCC to encourage families to take part in its Really Big Board Game Day on Friday 15 May.