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My top blogging events for 2015/16

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I’ve been blogging for nearly three years now but due to a combination of being very pregnant or having a small child in arms I’m am yet to get to any blogging events.

This is something I’ve wanted to change and in the past week you might say I’ve been a bit over keen to rectify the situation – nabbing myself places at three events.

So, what have I booked? 

September felt like the blogging world’s version of buses all coming at once. Conference invites and ticket alerts have been popping up in my inbox almost every day, teasing and willing me to make my move. They’ve also been offering early bird rates. The organisers must know I love a bargain! 

I’ve now got tickets for Traverse 16 in April and Britmums Live 2016 in June. I also applied for the free Tots100 Blogcamp with Vibe Israel and was very excited to have my place confirmed this week. 

What is Traverse 16?

This weekend-long event for travel bloggers is run by the same people who organised the BlogStock Festival in September. This looked amazing but the dates didn’t work for me so I added myself to their mailing list for future gatherings. Then up popped Traverse 16.

It’s being held in Cardiff from Friday 8 to Sunday 10 April and combines workshops, networking and a chance to meet travel brands. I don’t know an awful lot more but really wanted to go to a travel blogger conference and this seemed to fit the bill. Hopefully being an early bird will pay off!

What is Britmums Live 2015?

Britmums is returning with its annual social media and blogger conference for a third year. The venue is The Brewery in London, which I went to for a work event in February – it’s so pretty! There’s going to be sessions on everything from lifestyle topics to food, style and travel, with networking and brand introductions thrown in as well.

I saw a lot of social chatter about Britmums Live 2015 while I was nursing my then one-month-old baby and promised myself I’d go in 2016. It still seems a long way off but I’m sure it will come round in no time. The conference takes place on Saturday 25 June.

What is the Tots100 Blogcamp?

This is a one-day workshop for bloggers in the Tots100 network who are thinking about going professional with their blog. This is an idea I have been toying with, so I’m looking forward to hearing from the experts. I also want to hear more about the event sponsor Vibe Israel, which is working with bloggers to make them more aware of the creative energy of Israel.

Where you won’t see me – sob!

I was eyeing up Blogfest, which is run by Mumsnet, but already have a work commitment the night before in Bristol. It’s more party than work and I’ve promised to have a few drinks with a good friend who has been patiently waiting for me to stop being pregnant! Getting on the train to London at 7am the next day would not be a good plan. Blogfest takes place on Saturday 21 November 2015.

What do I want to get out of blogger events?

I’m after a few things and will probably think up more goals as each event draws closer. But for now I want to:
  • Put real life faces to the avatars and profiles of bloggers whose work I have been reading for quite some time
  • Get tips to develop my blog and maybe even make a few pennies out of it
  • Meet brands who might want to share experiences with me and my family. Let’s be honest, everyone likes a freebie!

See you there?

Do let me know if you’re going to any of these events. I’ll be the person standing in the corner looking lost and it would make my day if you came over to say ‘Hi”.

Also, if you’ve got any tips for going to blogging conferences send them my way!

I love hearing what people think about my blog so feel free to leave a comment below or browse around. You can also find me on Bloglovin’TwitterFacebookInstagramPinterestGoogle+ and LinkedIn.

The Twinkle Diaries

You Baby Me Mummy

The Dad Network

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Monday 12th of October 2015

I've been blogging for over a decade and have never been to a single blogging event! I have met up with several blog friends in real life, but that's it. Can't wait to read all about your experiences. Thanks for being part of #TwinklyTuesday.

Hannah Parker

Friday 9th of October 2015

It took me ages to go to my first blogging event too and I wasn't even pregnant for most of my blogging life! But I was glad when I finally did :) I had missed the announcement about the Tots event, so I've just applied now on the off chance they can squeeze me in (doubt it!) but I do hope to go to blogfest and Britmums next year. Thanks for linking up to #TheList xx

Claire Hall - Tin Box Traveller

Thursday 8th of October 2015

Yes, jump right in. I think it's the best way. I so wish I had gone to BlogOnWin too. It was the Instagrams of sweets that had me dribbling :) X

Sabrina Jillah

Thursday 8th of October 2015

Wow you've got loads coming up! I haven't been to any blogging events yet, as I only just started blogging this year. I kept seeing photos on Instagram about BlogonWin and felt so jealous! I want to meet all these bloggers in real life! Maybe I should start booking some tickets to these things... Sabrina xx #twinklytuesday

Claire Hall - Tin Box Traveller

Wednesday 7th of October 2015

Fab! See you next week :) x

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