Tin Box Tot’s nursery always tells me what a great eater she is. But to be honest, meal times can be a bit hit and miss at home.
Some days she’ll clear her plate and others she’ll hardly touch the food she’s presented with. I’ve never been too concerned as she’s a very healthy little girl and I think if you fuss too much you can make the situation worse. The same approach has worked for us with bumps and scrapes – the Tot usually picks herself up and dusts herself off without much drama.
This week the sunny weather has inspired us to take our lunches into the garden for picnics. Tin Box Tot has been really enthusiastic about eating alfresco. She’s loved setting up the picnic blanket, taking boxes of food out of our picnic hamper and selecting bites to eat. Please excuse my budget Tupperwear!
To my surprise she’s even munched on foods that nursery have always insisted she eats but I’ve never had success with at home. Cucumber, apple and sausage rolls were all scoffed.
Maybe it was the novelty of being outdoors or the excitement of opening each box to see what finger food was inside that made the difference? I’m going to have to pay more attention when we are next away in the caravan as I have a feeling she eats better there as well.
Have you found your little ones eat more and try new things in different situations?
Claire Hall - Tin Box Traveller
Saturday 18th of July 2015
Get a bunch of kids together and they chow down like there's no tomorrow :)
Claire Hall - Tin Box Traveller
Saturday 18th of July 2015
Indoor picnics are a great idea - bring the outdoors in! I think we'll try that the next time it rains :)
Claire Hall - Tin Box Traveller
Saturday 18th of July 2015
Everyone enjoys a change of scenery. Hope you get to have a picnic soon x
Claire Hall - Tin Box Traveller
Saturday 18th of July 2015
Yes, distractions like a play park or animals really don't help with eating. But sit a bunch of kids down together and they wolf down their food x
Claire Hall - Tin Box Traveller
Saturday 18th of July 2015
Absolutely. I am exactly the same. Sandwiches alone just don't cut it for a picnic. Bring on fun foods :)