Back in March I was tagged in the Liebster Award blogging meme by Virginie at Travel with my kids. We’ve done a lot of trips away since then so I’ve only just gotten round to thanking Virginie and answering the great travel related questions she set me. Do hop on over and check out her post.
Before I go any further I have to admit that I’m not really Liebster Award material – it’s meant to be for bloggers just starting out or with low followers on social media.
Tin Box Traveller has been going more than three years now and I am lucky to have quite a few followers (a part from on my mailing list if you’d like to sign up below!). However, I could hardly turn it down as it’s a great way to discover blogs that are new to you and your readers. I’ll come to those in a minute.
Here are the Liebster rules:
- Thank your nominator and link back to them from your post.
- Answer the questions you’ve been set and tag your nominator when you share your post on social media.
- Nominate 11 bloggers to answer some questions from you. Don’t forget to let them know!
Here are the questions Virginie asked me:
Where were you born and where are you living now?
I was born in Kent in the South East of the UK and now live in Devon in the South West.
Three words describing yourself
Happy, traveller, mum.
What is specific about your blog, in a few words?
Tin Box Traveller is all about travel, days out and family fun.
What is your favourite blog post on your site?
This is so tough! I have so many favourite posts and it’s quite often the last one I wrote. However if I had to pick an all time favourite it would be Childhood travel was the making of me.
What is the longest time you’ve been traveling non-stop, and where? Was it with kids in tow?
The longest I went travelling for was a month. It was in 2006 and Mr Tin Box and I were taking an extended holiday before he joined the Royal Navy. We packed up our camping gear and travelled around Western Europe. It was well before we had kids.
Are you more flip-flops or snow boots?
Flip flops although I haven’t aired my toes yet this year.
Plane, bus, bike, car, tuk-tuk, train, boat: what’s your favourite mode of transportation? And what about your kids (if concerned)?
We usually travel by car as we holiday a lot in the UK. However I love the novelty of train and plane travel.
What was your biggest ‘low’ moment during your travels?
I’ve got a bit of a sensitive stomach and always seem to get a dodgy belly when we go abroad – just for a day. However, the worst case of deli belly I had was is the UK during a trip to the Lake District. We had booked to stay in a cottage for a week and for five days I couldn’t leave the house because I was so ill. We missed out on a lot of exploring. On the upside I saw a lot of films in the cottage’s DVD collection that I’ve never seen before, Dead Poets’ Society included.
Which country has surprised you in a positive way?
The Czech Republic. I visited Prague on a girls weekend. I heard a lot about it being a hen night destination and somewhere to let your hair down. But it’s also such a beautiful city.
What is your favourite travel memory?
I have so many travel memories that are so important to me: the first holiday as a mum; my honeymoon; our month camping in Europe. Last year I wrote dozens of posts about favourite memories in my Travel Timehop series. Quick plug: this year I’m accepting guest posts to this feature. Drop me a line if you’re interested.
What is the number one travel on top of your bucket list?
A coast to coast road tip in the US.
Thanks to Virginie for a great set of questions. Now I’ve chosen 11 bloggers to continue the meme. I’ve randomly selected some of the newer people who have followed me on Twitter with 500 or less followers (but don’t hold me to that as things change fast!). I hope you’d like to take part:
Jenni at The Bear & the Fox
Esther at Cocospring
Here’s my questions to you:
- What’s your favourite foreign food?
- What’s your best memory from a holiday?
- How many times have you moved house?
- Where’s your favourite place in your home country?
- Camping or all inclusive?
- Where were you this time last year?
- What’s your best tip for holidaying with kids?
- What have you got planned for your next day out?
- What do you find most useful for planning your travels: guide books, Trip Advisor, blogs or something else?
- If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
- If you could be sat next to anyone on a plane for five hours, who would it be?
Don’t forget to tag me when you share your post on Twitter so I can have a read!
I love hearing what people think about my blog so feel free to leave a comment below or browse around. You can also find me on Bloglovin’, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube, Google+ and LinkedIn.
Sunday 8th of May 2016
Thanks Claire, a pleasure to read you :) Congrats for the MAD nomination !
Claire Hall - Tin Box Traveller
Monday 9th of May 2016
Thank you! And thanks again for the tag :)