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My pre-baby bucket list

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As all seasoned mummies know, there are a few pieces of advice that people give you before you welcome your first little darling into the world that you really should heed. Top of the list are: sleep now; put your feet up; and enjoy a hot cuppa while you can.

But did I listen to any of these pearls of wisdom? No. Oh, what I would do now to wind back the clock and enjoy a few more afternoon naps ahead of Tin Box Tot’s arrival…sigh!

With less than three months to go until Tin Box Baby 2’s due date and seven weeks until I start my maternity leave, I’ve decided to make a list of the things I plan to do before I become a mum of two.

Here’s my pre-baby bucket list:

Go for a spa day

Work treated me to a spa voucher at Christmas, so I have booked myself into the Grand Harbour Spa in Southampton a few weeks before I go on maternity leave. TBT will be having a ‘daddy day’ while I wallow in the pool and enjoy a facial. Fantastic!

Get away in the caravan

Before I get too big to fit through Tin Box’s door I want to enjoy a few more weekends away. Despite the damp weather we’ve ready started and have more trips planned in the next few months. Expect a few posts about our caravan adventures in the weeks to come.

Brave an NCT nearly new sale

We know that TBB2 is a girl, so we already have a lot of the things we need. However, there are a few bits that I would like to have a rummage for, like a buggy board for our pushchair. My last visit to an NCT sale was at five months pregnant with TBT. I think the next one in my area is in April, so I will have to be feeling very brave to face the crowds with a full on bump!

Sort out the baby’s wardrobe

When we put the Christmas decorations away in the loft we got down three huge boxes of baby clothes. I’m not sure how it is possible for one little person to accumulate so much clobber in their first year, but TBT did! At some point I really must find time to put it all through the wash and get it in some kind of order.

Bring order to some cupboards

Since we moved house a year ago, things have started to get messy. Rather than put things away in the kitchen, office and bedrooms in an ordered fashion I have fallen into bad habits, ramming things in and closing doors. It’s a dull job, but it’s time to face the clutter while I still have spare hands.

Get ahead with blogging

When TBT was born I felt utterly disorientated. I remember stressing for days just about writing a ‘hello, our baby is here’ post on Facebook’ – not at all like me. So just in case I suffer a similar brain-fart this time round I want to draft a few timeless posts that I can publish at the click of a button. Hopefully, button clicking will not be beyond me, but who knows!

The obvious (but possibly the hardest) stuff

Sleep, sleep, sleep. Oh and a hot cuppa! I might get on that now…
What do you wish you had done before your first, second or even third baby?

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The List

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you baby me mummy

Sunday 22nd of February 2015

Ooh I LOVE an NCT sale. Last year I offered them a review/blog post in return for early access (before it opened to the public) It was FAB! :) Thanks for linking up to #TheList x

Claire Hall - Tin Box Traveller

Wednesday 18th of February 2015

I cut short my last pre-baby spa day to go to a breastfeeding workshop. Well worth it but I wish they hadn't clashed. I've made sure I have a clear day this time :)

Claire Hall - Tin Box Traveller

Wednesday 18th of February 2015

Ha! I'm a firm believer that spa days are not just for mums, they are good for the baby too. Your husband wouldn't want to deny his unborn child a little pampering now would he? ;)


Wednesday 18th of February 2015

Good luck with your list! I had a spa day toward the end of both pregnancies and it was blissful - such a lovely way to unwind and enjoy some time for yourself before your little one arrives - would definitely recommend :-)

mamamim blog

Wednesday 18th of February 2015

Oh I want to do all of these as well! Except can you believe I've never been in a caravan? I'm missing out here. Now, if I give you my husband's number, can you encourage him to allow me a spa day too? :) Hope you check off all of the above! Mim @ #mummymonday

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